Number of companies | about 26 companies (SMEs, 3 international leading players) |
Number of employees | about 2350 |
Number of research institutes | one public research institute |
Supporters | Umbria Region, ICE, Confindustria Umbria |
Organizational form | Umbria Aerospace Companies is an association which started in 2008. The first founders are seven companies: Era Electronic Systems, Fucine Umbre, Garofoli, HTC, NCM, OMA, Umbra Cuscinetti. |
Financing | member fees 100%, public funding from Umbria Region, Istituto Italiano per il Commercio Estero, Centro Estero Umbria. |
Main industry actors | Angelantoni Industrie spa, OMA spa, Umbra Cuscinetti spa |
Main research institutes | Perugia University, Faculty of Engineering |
The Umbrian aerospace companies are involved in all the high-tech supply chain sectors and are competitive on an international level, investing almost 6% of their turnover in research and development; one third of the companies have their own research labs.
The Umbria Aerospace Companies added values are quality, devotion to clients and production flexibility. Our high quality manufacturing and technical services cover a wide spectrum of aeronautical and aerospace offer including:
- Product Design
- Mechanical components and subsystems
- Special Processes
- Services
- Tools and systems
- Test benches and test systems
- Interior furnishing
Medium/large companies have partnerships and supply main constructors and prime contractors (Finmeccanica, Boeing, Airbus, Embraer etc.). They also use SMI skilled in specific component productions and specific processes that have to meet the highest international standards.
Our associates participate with Razvojono technoloski center, Zavod za avtomobilisko indistrjio in 7th Joint CORNET call, in order to develop an innovative solution and technology for an autonomous mobile robot for service applications.
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